Sotol Puro 219 Blanco

T October 21, 2011
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Sotol Puro 219 Blanco

Sotol Review


Sotol Puro 219 Blanco

Sotol Puro 219 Blanco is 100% pure, 35%  Alc/vol., triple distilled, and is the genuine flavor of Sotol Puro 219.

In 2002, Jose Grajeda was living in Detroit, MI when he was presented with an opportunity to buy two ranches from his father-in-law. These ranches were in Parral, in his wife's hometown. He decided to buy the ranches, and he found later that both ranches contained an abundance of Sotol plants. Jose decided to try harvesting the Sotol plants and produce his own brand.

Jose began to study about Sotol, and after extensive research he decided to use production methods similar to the Tequila process. In 2004 construction began, and he bought equipment from Tequila, Jalisco, and began testing his production in 2006. By 2007 he had produced his first Sotol product. Realizing the yield of product per Sotol plant, Jose built a greenhouse to begin producing more Sotol plants.

During the beginning of production, the name of the Sotol product was "Cabalgatas" but ran into registration problems. Jose decides to name his product "219", honoring his parents, as they had married on February 19th.

Years ago the people of Chihuahua considered Sotol a cheap product, a very strong with a bad flavor. Jose felt that his modernized production methods would make his Sotol more enjoyable, and would add to the experience by adding nuts, fruits, and different herbs. Jose produces Sotol liqueurs along with his pure products, including Almond, Damiana, Coffee, and Sotol Cream.

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