Review Detail

94 17 100
Anejos T November 10, 2008 106199
Overall rating
Initial Taste
This is a superb anejo. In the way of comparison I drank Partida anejo the night before and was surprised by how similar they were in some regards. If you like Partida's anejo you'll love this - it's got the nice buttery, vanilla, agave sweetness but with a much smoother delivery and less alcohol presence. Don't get me wrong - Partida is incredible, but I did find this just a bit more enjoyable. I purchased this bottle in Michigan for the state minimum price of $88, which seems high, but this is a great tequila.

The editor nailed this review honestly. It's hard to write one without sounding like a copycat because of that. But I loved the nose on this - nice agave presence with a delicate blend of vanilla and butter and apple. The aroma carries through to the first taste, which to me was just the right combination of almost rich butter, vanilla, but sweet with the agave, and just a little smokey wood flavor. Outstanding!

The body was indeed thick and warm, but not syrupy. I laughed when I saw the editor had written cinnamon in the aftertaste section - I said to my wife as I finished it that it had a nice little cinnamon flavor in the finish, along with just a nice smooth overall finish.

This is the best anejo I've had for under $100. Granted, it's almost that much, but I definitely feel like I got my money's worth here. I highly recommend trying this if you love anejos!

I would have rated presentation better as I like the unique look of the bottle, but I didn't love the cork stopper as it feels like it's not creating a tight seal to me. I'm quite sure it is or they'd do something else... hopefully I'm right on that.
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