Review Detail

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Anejos T December 22, 2012 18287
T-1 Tequila Uno Añejo (Estelar)
Overall rating
Initial Taste
The bottle for Tequila Uno (T-1) is really quite nice even if it does look a bit like some wine bottles; better that than the tall thin look. On a shelf behind the bar this will certainly draw attention since there are no other tequila bottles that are similar. Unfortunately, the top and stopper are plastic rather glass - so they look a bit cheap in comparison to the bottle. T-1 is competitively priced for an añejo and anyone who wants to try a new añejo will be happy to add this to their "must try" list. It's up to you if it's on your "must buy" list. Let's take a look inside the bottle.
In a tasting glass, the color is a rich creamy brown - like maple syrup dissolved in water. There are thick lingering legs that almost refuse to drain to the liquid below. This is a nice clear tequila with medium viscosity. The first nose is sweet with strong caramel and vanilla overtones. Agitating the liquid brings additional aromas of agave and a hint of smoke. Holding the tequila in a closed mouth and then allowing it to slide down the front of your throat - there is a strong alcohol presence with subtle hints of hidden flavors. The second swallow, when properly aerated, will deliver a rich chocolate-infused cinnamon flavor that reminds me of really expensive extra añejos. I taste moderate barrel influence with a hint of honey, but spicy in a picante fashion - perhaps white pepper.
A little disappointed in the finish since it does not "mellow-out" too much. I would recommend orange slices sprinkled with pepper salt between sips. The flavor in general is quite pleasant but strong with alcohol from start to finish.
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