Wahaka Mezcal Joven Espadin

T November 02, 2011
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Wahaka Mezcal Joven Espadin

Mezcal Review

Agave Species
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Wahaka Mezcal Joven Espadin

40% ABV (80 Proof); 100% Espadin

Mezcal is one of the few distilled spirits where the drinker can actually taste the source, in this case, the Agave plant. As some have described it, “young Mezcal is jagged and primeval, ethereal and alluring, its flavor defined by elemental forces of fire and earth”. Our young Mezcal series – Joven Espadin – delivers fantastically what pure, artisanal Mezcal should be all about. The aroma wakes up your senses. Upon tasting it, you are immediately transported to Maestro Alberto’s palenque in San Dionisio, Oaxaca, which he describes as “a place of respect and harmony, where no arguments or even bad words can be uttered”. You can then taste the smokiness of the pit and the sweetness of the cooked piñas, and perceive the lengthy, caring process required to ferment, distill and then rectify the Mezcal. Our Joven Espadin series is maestro Alberto’s specialty, perfect for sipping and also for use in mixed drinks.

Wahaka Mezcal Joven Espadin is our more readily-available spirit. It is easier to produce, so Wahaka can deliver more spirits in this variation. Many Mezcal cocktails are made with the Joven Espadin, and Mezcal enthusiasts can find the Joven Espadin in their favorite watering hole.

About Wahaka Mezcal
Wahaka is crafted in San Dionisio Ocotepec (located in the Central Valleys of Oaxaca in the District of Tlacolula, 16º48´ N 96º24´ W, 1,670 meters above sea level). Founded in 1610, this village has sat at the epicenter of Mezcal country throughout the spirit’s existence. Within the village of San Dionisio, the Morales family has perfected the art of Mezcal creation over generations. Today, young maestro Alberto is the principal author of our label, managing the family’s five stills and overseeing the process from harvest to market.

A key distinguishing factor of Wahaka is that we take pride in focusing on the Mezcales – not their aging. With the exception of the Reposado Gusano (which is a nice complement to our line up), all our Mezcales are “Jovenes” (in Tequilaspeak: “Blanco”). This allows the Mezcal to be tasted and felt without the interference of any wood. In other words, we do not focus on providing Mezcal aged in casks; in fact, our preference is to avoid contaminating the taste of Agave with wood. The reasons for this are many: Mezcal already contains cooked Agaves so it can be smokey or peaty at times, Mezcal can be made from many varieties of Agaves, and each Agave has a completely distinct set of properties, flavors, aromas and sensations. So as far as Wahaka goes, if you want the good stuff: Go Wild!

Photo by TEQUILA.net

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