Review Detail

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Reposados T September 04, 2011 14425
Excellia Reposado Tequila
Overall rating
Initial Taste
This is an unusual tequila in several different ways. First and foremost, it is a blend. Not a blend of different tequilas, but a blend of the same tequila rested in two different types of barrels. Well, actually, the barrels themselves are probably the same, but they are used to age two different products: grand cru sauternes and cognac. When the tequila has been aged for the proper length of time, the mixing experts get to work and combine product from the two different barrels - to reach the taste they are looking for. The result, according to my palate, is fairly spectacular. This rep is aged for nine months - that's a fairly long time for a rep. The barrel influence is evident but tricky to detect because the two are mixed together. Also, the color is a very light gold which is surprising considering how long it has reposed. In a tasting glass, there are thin legs and slight pearling.
On the nose, there is a mild sweet odor with plenty of agave. Dare I say the nose is "sexy" with floral overtones and earthy undercurrents. The flavor is more complex than the nose - with spices, citrus, caramel and some wood. The alcohol burn is minimal and slacks off to almost nothing in subsequent sips - or if you prefer you can call it the finish or pedigree. If you drink a challenge tasting of 3 ounces - you will find virtually no alcohol by the final sips. It is super smooth. On the first sip, the mouth feel is light with only a medium coat to the tongue, teeth and palate. Later, in the final stages, there is virtually no increase to the coating. Sip a little sangrita and it cuts through any lingering after taste. That's a good thing if you are hoping to do additional tastings.
This is a tequila to sit back and enjoy over a long evening of diversified small plates or simply - neat. Either way you should find it very satisfying. In the pocketbook, the price is reasonable - not excessive for such a high class spirit. The bottle presentation is not memorable, but understated. So, it is not trying to say, "Hey, look at me, I'm different from everybody else." Instead, it's reputation will come from word of mouth or simply trying it on your own. The stopper is pretty cool, however. You need to try this one, but don't be surprised if the bottle does not last long. Plus, considering this is a co-operative effort between Carlos Camarena and another spirit-industry executive - you might expect this tequila to only be around for a few years at most. Everything is a evolution - move on to the next.
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